Thursday, February 12, 2009

Debt Collection issues: got help?

In this tail-spinning economy debt Collection efforts have seeemed to increase. And with so many large companies going out of business, it's understable.
Where are you when a debt is being collected and your involved?

Well whether you're owed money, or dealing with aggressive debt collection actions, you have rights in your situation. To find out more about your specific situation you wuld need to speak with an attorney. Log onto to see how a life events legal plan can work for you. In fact, click on to hear from current members in similar situations.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Unfair billing issue: Big company tramples little customer. What do you do when it happens to you?

While purchasing his family shared plan Howard thought like most us do. He expected the cell plan price to be what they originally said it would cost each month. Of course he was wrong.
Howard received a bill for over $700 one month. Naturally we'd think someone got chat happy on the line since a few family members had a phone on this particular plan, and he would just have to pay the bill. But it was actually wrong.
Luckily, 20 year old Howard got his attorneys involved after S___ communications refused to help. A phone call from this 20 year old's attorney brought that bill from $700 back down to $150.
For more information
Watch the videos at And click on tv documentary.

Osondu Thambo,