Thursday, January 22, 2009

working with lawyers part 4

...would you prefer access to a network of lawfirms paid to listen to you and answer all of your questions, on an unlimited basis? Prepaid Legal Services has over 2,700 lawfirms thoughout North America. Which means we have an attorney near you to help you.
People don't get a Legal Life Events plan because it's a get out "jail free card". Or because they have a need right now, and wish to cancel right afterwards.
People enroll and keep their Life Events Legal Plans for life because things happen that you never see coming... (You know what I'm talking about.) and they have to get their questions answered. It's the most cost effective way for responsible people to protect their families. By the way:
Go to: For enrollment options.

A letter or phone call can be enough to help you in many unfair situations like overbilling, creditor harassment, collections issues and many more. Who wants to pay a lawyer $100 everytime you want to sign something?

As a member, you also get your last will and testament done at no extra cost... A $500-$1,000 value per covered person.
That's making a difference even if you never made a call.

Osondu Thambo

working with lawyers part 3...

Is this an attorney who specializes in the area of law that you need?
There are 44 areas of law. Most attorneys specialize in 3-4 related areas of law at best. And they will still have 1 dominant specialty. You want someone passionate about helping you in your area law.

Legal Aid lawyers?
Do you have a job? You most likely won't qualify. And would you want to? I grew up in Brooklyn NY, and can assure that the free legal line is way longer than the free cheese line at the church. Though some of them are quite good, the court system is very backed up, and when its your turn, you're lucky if "your" attorney knows your name. That leaves the rest of us stuck.

In most cases, at $200-$300 hour, the attorney's fee is more than the average person in America (especially now) can afford.
Now would you prefer to hear from one attorney at a time? Or...

Working with lawyers

The Myths about Working with lawyers: the Life Events Legal Plan fills the gap

You might have went online and googled "legal service" and contacted a few people. Some of whom are lawyers calling you back with their own private practice. They would listen to you and determine whether or not you have a case that they're willing to take themselves. Here are some guidelines to help you:
Is your attorney licensed to work in the state or states in which you need help?
If they aren't licensed in that state, then they are prohibited from advising you. Only accept advice from attorneys licensed in the state in which you have the dispute....

stay tuned for part 2

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Legal Help you need, when you need it.

I've recently been speaking with my members all across the country and have noticed some interesting changes in the industry. With unemployment at a high, more fathers who were being slammed for child support, are now out of work, yet still being slammed. There are more inquiries regarding rights in divorce and separation cases than I've ever seen. More mothers are inquiring about getting child support.

People are experiencing more work related issues, lay offs, terminations etc. There are also more inquiries regarding bankruptcy, foreclosures, and lawsuits. More and more middle income Americans need to know their rights and need to protect themselves legally and financially.

Let's not even talk about the growth of identity theft.

The government is not equipped to handle these needs. This is apparent when the waiting list for legal aid is 1 year in many counties throughout America.... And that's if you qualify for legal aid (almost impossible if you have a job).
For most Americans, especially during these times, Prepaid Legal is their best chance to gain access to the justice system.
If you have a legal situation that requires legal representation, and you can't afford that representation, you'll claw at any advice you can get from anyone with a sliver of knowledge(and get into more trouble listening to your uncle Bud who took a law class back in the year 19...).
By the way, if you want to see what former Attornies General said about Prepaid Legal, just go to and click on "documentary".
Now back to our regularly scheduled program...
That's where Prepaid Legal is such a great resource. You now have options with your seemingly impossible situation:
option 1: Little money, but some time.

You can get Unlimited consultation, be instructed on what to do, execute the plan, and then assess where you currently stand with your situation, and do the footwork on your own. You'll have your attorney with you for every step, just a phone call away. No more surprises.

option 2: No Time, but you've got money:
After your free consultations, letters, contract review etc. then you get a 25% discount off of your law firms rate for representation.

With your Life Events Legal Plan, the members are the biggest winners. The choice is yours.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Matters Most: my most treasured rewards

In contacting people around the country who have a need for the service we provide, I've learned some things. Our success has grown congruently with the amount of value that we've been able to bring to the lives of others.
If I may take a stab in the dark here, I would assume that most people,(including you) never had the thought while your were growing up, "I want to be a salesperson!" or "I want to be in Network marketing".
I didn't.
Our professional aspirations and dreams as kids were based on jobs that were associated with certain tasks and feelings.
Many of us wanted to be a police officer, fireman, doctor or lawyer to help people and be successful.

Who do you know for whom this is true?

Don't laugh... but I wanted to be a professional wrestler. (great thing I didn't . You don't want to see these knobby knees in tights).

I actually became a martial arts trainer.
Aside from the fact that pro wrestling had to be the coolest job in the world back then, I believe I wanted to see myself as a good guy and wanted to help people.

I got into martial arts to empower people...

Now I know what you're thinking... "Where is all this going?" Right?
Initially, people get started in our business because they see the financial opportunity(like me). But eventually after having done this a while, it's clear that I'm helping empower people both through protecting their families and financially through the business opportunity.
This was the very reason I wanted to be professional wrestler (to be a hero). The reason I teach martial arts is to empower and teach people how to defend themsleves.

I've also found a hidden talent of mine. To help people improve... at anything... even if I'm not as good at it as they are.
What hidden talents do you have?

Don't get me wrong. I still love teaching martial arts, but I can't train people allover the country... yet. I can't physically touch each person I'd like to empower.

But because of this business I'm able to impact thousands of people I've never seen before, allover the country. I've never been so excited and fulfilled in my life. What drove you throughout your life? What is your immediate plan to bring value to the world with your gift?
