Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Matters Most: my most treasured rewards

In contacting people around the country who have a need for the service we provide, I've learned some things. Our success has grown congruently with the amount of value that we've been able to bring to the lives of others.
If I may take a stab in the dark here, I would assume that most people,(including you) never had the thought while your were growing up, "I want to be a salesperson!" or "I want to be in Network marketing".
I didn't.
Our professional aspirations and dreams as kids were based on jobs that were associated with certain tasks and feelings.
Many of us wanted to be a police officer, fireman, doctor or lawyer to help people and be successful.

Who do you know for whom this is true?

Don't laugh... but I wanted to be a professional wrestler. (great thing I didn't . You don't want to see these knobby knees in tights).

I actually became a martial arts trainer.
Aside from the fact that pro wrestling had to be the coolest job in the world back then, I believe I wanted to see myself as a good guy and wanted to help people.

I got into martial arts to empower people...

Now I know what you're thinking... "Where is all this going?" Right?
Initially, people get started in our business because they see the financial opportunity(like me). But eventually after having done this a while, it's clear that I'm helping empower people both through protecting their families and financially through the business opportunity.
This was the very reason I wanted to be professional wrestler (to be a hero). The reason I teach martial arts is to empower and teach people how to defend themsleves.

I've also found a hidden talent of mine. To help people improve... at anything... even if I'm not as good at it as they are.
What hidden talents do you have?

Don't get me wrong. I still love teaching martial arts, but I can't train people allover the country... yet. I can't physically touch each person I'd like to empower.

But because of this business I'm able to impact thousands of people I've never seen before, allover the country. I've never been so excited and fulfilled in my life. What drove you throughout your life? What is your immediate plan to bring value to the world with your gift?


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