Thursday, January 22, 2009

working with lawyers part 3...

Is this an attorney who specializes in the area of law that you need?
There are 44 areas of law. Most attorneys specialize in 3-4 related areas of law at best. And they will still have 1 dominant specialty. You want someone passionate about helping you in your area law.

Legal Aid lawyers?
Do you have a job? You most likely won't qualify. And would you want to? I grew up in Brooklyn NY, and can assure that the free legal line is way longer than the free cheese line at the church. Though some of them are quite good, the court system is very backed up, and when its your turn, you're lucky if "your" attorney knows your name. That leaves the rest of us stuck.

In most cases, at $200-$300 hour, the attorney's fee is more than the average person in America (especially now) can afford.
Now would you prefer to hear from one attorney at a time? Or...

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